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With the greatest care and expertise

Entire departments in-house are dedicated to the multiple analysis of all raw materials, intermediate and finished products, to ensure the highest product quality.

We are proud to be able to count many experts among the company’s employees and consultants. They come from a wide variety of disciplines such as pharmacy, biology, food chemistry and technology as well as from the nutritional sciences or work as midwives, alternative practitioners and physicians. Together, we combine the traditional treasures of knowledge about medicinal plants with the latest findings from modern research into effective and beneficial products.

Our uncompromising control procedures guarantee outstanding quality.


All raw materials, whether from cultivation or wild collection are subjected to the same five quality control steps:


1. Raw material samples

Samples of raw materials are carefully examined for pollutants in the laboratory and rejected if the high standards are not met


2. Incoming goods inspection

Identity, optical and sensory tests are carried out. We check active ingredients content and purity, paying particular attention to residue analysis to rule out possible contamination.


3. In-process control (IPC)

Product quality is also continuously monitored during production. Physical parameters (such as pH and density) are measured and sensory parameters (colour, smell and taste) are checked.


4. Control of intermediate products

The result of our painstaking preparations and concern for detail is range of liquid supplements, tablets and herbal teas which are second to none. People have trusted the SALUS tradition and high quality standards for more than 100 years.


5. Inspection of the finished product

Finally, each batch of a product is subjected to a careful final inspection and further microbiological tests are carried out.


The result of our painstaking preparations and concern for detail is range of liquid supplements, tablets and herbal teas which are second to none. People have trusted the SALUS tradition and high quality standards for more than 100 years.


The Manufacturers

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